So many drills!

There was a lockdown drill last week and then a tornado drill today. It was during m prep so I did not have to deal with students this time nor did I have to leave my room because it is an interior room so it’s safe.

I had to send another student to ISS today. He was throwing pencils at a girl that he has gotten in trouble for harassing before. Him and I have talked about appropriate use of materials before and my cooperating teacher has talked to him about harassment before I arrived at this placement.

I was nervous to send him to ISS because I do not feel comfortable with the process. I am always afraid that I should not be sending students out or that I am going about the process wrong, like I am going to fill the form out wrong. Luckily my cooperating teacher came back and was able o answer my questions. Mostly I was doing it right. There were a couple of things that she told me to add to the referral, but mostly I was doing it right.

The students are really starting to understand one point perspective and experiment with it. It has been fun to witness that ah ha moment for some of them. Some of them are still struggling so they need some extra help, but they are mostly minor issues.

The Art 2 students are finishing up their personal projects. They are turning out really well!

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